Thursday 30 January 2020

#Cardio-oncology is a new term to describe the efforts to prevent or treat patients with cancer who face #heart problems caused by #cancer treatments. Although many #cancer patients also have health conditions related to #lung disease, #infections or kidney #disease, the rise of #cardiac diseases in these patients has led to the growth of this new field. #Cardio-oncology involves cancer doctors (oncologists), #cardiologists and researchers.

Thanks to advances in treatment, the number of #cancer survivors has never been greater and is expected to reach more than 20 million in the U.S. by 2026.

New #therapies are helping patients live longer, but that means they also need on going cancer treatments that may #damage their hearts. Many of these #survivors are at risk for #heart disease and now will live long enough after their #cancer treatments to develop heart disease. In addition, some #cancer medications may damage the heart.

New approaches to prevent or manage these side effects are needed, such as:
#Team-based care from #cardiologists and oncologists.
Improved methods developed by radiation #oncologists to reduce the #cardiac side effects of #radiation therapy.

#Drugs to treat cancer are being developed and released at faster rates. Some may #damage the #heart in new or unexpected ways. Whether due to research limitations or a process to fast-track #drugs for life-threatening conditions, it is hard to detect all possible #cardiac side effects before the drugs are released. #Oncologists and #cardiologist’s familiar with these real-world issues are the ones best suited to find these problems and protect #patients.

#Cardiologists and other #specialists in imaging of the #heart and #blood vessels are developing techniques to catch damage to the heart from #cancer treatments earlier.

For now, there is no certification of #health professionals who have special skill in managing these #cardio-oncology problems, but efforts are underway to create a #certified training program for the field.
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#Heart_congress2020 #Tokyo #Japan #April 20-22 #Cardio-oncology #Drugs #cancer treatments #heart_problems #infections #oncologists

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